sources and applications of funds statement

sources and applications of funds statement
учет, фин. = cash flow statement

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sources and applications (uses) of funds statement документ об источниках и использовании финансовых ресурсов (США): анализ финансового положения компании в течение учетного периода (часть годового отчета); содержит информацию об оборотном капитале, прибыли, амортизации, выпуске облигаций, налогах, покупке фиксированных (капитальных) активов, платежах дивидендов, погашении долга; в 1988 г. Совет по стандартам финансовой отчетности заменил данную отчетность отчетностью о денежных (наличных) потоках; = sources and uses of funds statement; см. statement of cash flows.

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "sources and applications of funds statement" в других словарях:

  • sources and applications of funds statement — See: Statement of cash flows …   Financial and business terms

  • statement — Also receipt Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary A detailed summary of an account. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary See deposit receipt, withdrawal receipt. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary * * * statement state‧ment… …   Financial and business terms

  • source and application of funds — source and disposition of funds A statement describing how a business has raised and used its funds for a specified period. Sources of funds are typically trading profits, issues of shares or loan stock, sales of fixed assets, and borrowings.… …   Accounting dictionary

  • source and application of funds — source and disposition of funds A statement describing how a business has raised and used its funds for a specified period. Sources of funds are typically trading profits, issues of shares or loan stock, sales of fixed assets, and borrowings.… …   Big dictionary of business and management

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